Work with us


Consulting rooms available for General Practitioners and non-GP specialists

We are in a DPA (Fellowed GPs with moratorium can get provider numbers)

We are a non corporate mixed billings clinic, located in a brand new, modern, light-filled, purpose built building with state of the art equipment and plenty of car spaces within the premises.

  • Busy practice with RN support

  • Robust recall & reminder system

  • Easy-going, respectful patients. Virtually no chronic opioid and no drug seeking.

  • Mixed billing (policy is entirely up to you)

  • High billing potential – efficient and compliant, streamlined team care arrangement process

  • Low service fee.

  • Reserved doctors’ parking

  • Spacious room, extensively equipped, huge desk, large double monitors, fast computer, Best Practice, 5 tray printer (no different forms loading), safety exit door for every consulting room.

  • Reliable IT system and support. Business class NBN with fail safe 4G internet.

  • 6 days-a-week pathology, podiatry, dietetics, and psychology on-site.

We believe our practice is a great place to work in. Please come work with us!