English Tiếng Việt



Please always book an appointment with your doctor to discuss results and further management plans.
Please do not assume results are normal if you don't receive any call or message from us.


Our practice uses a computerised automated reminder system that regularly sends SMS and sometimes letters to remind you of due tests or to offer you preventative health services.
Please update our reception staff or your doctors if there is any change in you contact address or phone numbers (as well as any changes to your Medicare card and Health Care card details).
If you do not wish to participate in this system please let your doctor or reception know.


Patients must be seen in order to be issued with a medical certificate.
The certificate will include the date(s) on which the patient is unfit for work or school and the date on which the certificate is issued.
A statutory declaration form can be provided if a patient could not attend on the day the patient was unwell. 


Regular patients may contact their Doctors in our practice during office hours if there is an important matter. However if the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when your call will be returned.


If you wish to have your medical record transferred to another practice, your signed consent requesting such transfer must be received from another medical practitioner.
Depending on the size and complexity of your file, a fee may be charged for copying, collating and sending the record on your behalf.
Please note that your original record will be retained at our practice as required by law.


For the safety and well-being of our staff and patients, we will not tolerate any behaviour that is threatening, abusive, violent or aggressive.
Any person conducting themselves in this way will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Non-compliance with such a request will result in police intervention.
In circumstances where there is recurrent unacceptable behaviour, it is our policy to remove offenders from our patient list.


Please feel free to talk to your doctor or reception staff if you have a problem. You can also write to us or send us a message on Contact page. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.
If you are not satisfied with our response you can contact the Health Service Commissioner on (03) 8601 5200.


We maintain the strictest security and confidentiality of your personal health information.
Information collected is kept confidential and used only for the medical and health care of patients. Our privacy protocol fully complies with state and federal privacy legislation. 
As a fully computerised medical practice, all your records are stored electronically. Access to these files is restricted by password and all electronic communication with pathology and radiology providers, as well as specialists, is via secure encrypted connections.
We will not release information contained in your records to anyone (including family and friends) in any form (verbally, in writing, or electronically) without your permission.

Our full privacy policy can be found here.